Forklift K 24 model cable drum handler - Jack-Pack heavy equipment attachments

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Forklift K 24 model cable drum handler

The Multigrab
A forklift with a Multigrab cable drum handler.
A Multigrab on a forklift.
A Multigrab cable drum handler on a forklift. It will grab and spin any cable drum sized from K 6 to K 24 according to the Swedish standard SS 84 28 01 for cable drum dimensions.
The Multigrab is a modified Brick stack grapple where horizontal rotational discs are added. This gives the operator the opportunity to grab and spin a cable drum without any hands involved.
It will make the work for a forklift operator much more efficient. The Multigrab can also do a lot more than cable drum handling, see the images below for more info.
A forklift with a Multigrab cable drum handler spooling cable.
A Multigrab on a forklift.
A Multigrab cable drum handler on a forklift. You can easily spool cable on/off any cable drum with ease. It's a very handy tool for a cable supply shop.
The Multigrab grabs and spins cable drums.
Rotating drum
The Multigrab can grab and spin any cable drum up to the K 24 size without any hands on the load.
Seamless auto adaption to any cable drum center hole size up to 152 mm (6 inches) with its innovative Flexigrip solution.
Seamless auto adaption to any drum center hole size
The rotor system with it's interconnected center spear and friction pad auto adapts to any cable drum center hole diameter up to 152 mm (6 inches). No need for any hands neither by grabbing the drum or by cable spooling.
Hydraulic motor concealed inside the rotor housing.
Seamless auto adaption to any drum center hole size
A hydraulic motor sufficient for cable spooling and more is concealed inside the rotor housing on one side.
Outstanding safety
The center spear is placed well inside of the center hole
This picture shows a cable drum that is cutted in half. As you can see, the center spear is placed well inside of the cable drum center hole and secures the drum from being accidentaly dropped.
But, as we know from experiences anything could happen at a worksite. Even the best equipment could fail.
With this in mind then this concept is unique since no persons need to be near the drum during operation. Everything is done from the operator's cabin.
Grabs and spins almost any cable drum size
It grabs and spin any cable drum with diameter from Ø 600 mm to Ø 2500 mm
The Multigrab will grab and spin any cable drum sized from K 6 to K 24 according to the Swedish standard SS 84 28 01 for cable drum dimensions.
The squeesing cycle
The squeese cycle
Shows the squeese cycle
The Multigrab in 360 ° view
The Multigrab in 360° rotational view
The Multigrab in a 360 ° rotational view.
The Multigrab K 24 max cable drum diameter = 2400 mm (94,5 inches)
The Multigrab dimensions
The Multigrab can handle cable drums up to max 2400 mm in diameter (94,5 Inches)
The Multigrab K 24 max cable drum width = 1300 mm (51 inches)
The Multigrab dimensions max width
The Multigrab K 24 can handle cable drums up to max 1300 mm in width (51 inches)
The Multigrab can also handle debris baskets.
Forklift and basket handling
The Multigrab can grab and turn almost whatever load you grab.
The Mulitigrab can also grab and turn almost whatever load you want.
Grab and dump a basket
The Multigrab can grab and turn almoste whatever load you need to grab and turn. Here is an example on handling debris baskets and dump the content in a container. Very useful when cleaning up sites.
A closer look at it with the basket
Multigrab and basket
The Multigrab can grab and turn almoste whatever load you need to grab and turn. Here is a closer look of the basket application. In fact the basket can do a full 360° roll if you like to and under full control from the operator. Having full control of the dumping is very handy especially when the dumpster is almost full and you need to be carefull when dumping.
Another example of use, oil barrel handling.
Multigrab and oil barrels
Using an adapter with the Multigrab it can also handle oil barrels or whatever other barrels you need to handle. Useful for loading, unloading and clear out the remnants of a barrel. It's an efficient drumlifter.
Use it to load/unload barrels and to clear out the remnants of a barrel
Multigrab and oil barrels
Using an adapter with the Multigrab it can also handle oil barrels or whatever other barrels you need to handle. Useful for loading, unloading and clear out the remnants of a barrel. The Multigrab can turn the barrel a full 360° rotation.
Adapter that makes oil barrel handling possible
Multigrab and oil barrels
Adapters can be customized for whatever kind of barrels you need to handle. It's a perfect drumlifter.
The grabbing cycle
Multigrab and oil barrels
Adapters can be customized for whatever kind of barrels you need to handle. Here shows the grabbing cycle.
The Multigrab is of course also a standard brick stak grapple. Choose between standard compression rails or rotor discs
Choose between grip pads or rotordiscs
The Multigrab can be equipped with standard compression rails or with rotor discs according to your need for the days work. That makes it a very versatile piece of equipment.
The Multigrab is of course also a standard brick stack grapple.
It is also a brick stack grapple
The Multigrab is of course also a brick stack grapple. Here with a load of bricks.
Adjustable plunge depths.
It is also a brick stack grapple with adjustable plunge depths
In brick stack grapple application the Multigrab will also have adjustable plunge depths.
The Multigrab has endless possibilities.
It is also a brick stack grapple
Handling brick stacks at the factory.
There is also a brush that can be grabbed and used to clean your site
You can also use it as a broom to sweep your site or factory floor.
A 1200 mm wide brush on the forklift
You can also use it as a broom to sweep your site or factory floor.
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